Students engaged in Math Snacks in class learned more math than those with access to just classroom instruction.
Math Snacks has undergone careful user testing, formative evaluation, and research to document learning gains.
In 2013-2014,741 fifth grade students participated in an experimental study to measure the effect of Math Snacks games and related inquiry-based activities on their understandings of ratios, coordinate plane, and number systems including fractions and decimals.
A full description of study findings, "Impact of Math Snacks Games on Students’ Conceptual Understanding" was published in the Journal of Computers in Mathematics and Science Teaching.
A description of study methodologies, "Measurement in Learning Games Evolution: Review of Methodologies Used in Determining Effectiveness of Math Snacks Games and Animations" was published in Technology, Knowledge, and Learning.
Math Snacks team members continue to conduct integrated research activities, including foundational research to guide development of new tools, extensive user testing during creation of new games and animations, professional development of teachers who use Math Snacks, and investigation into impacts on learners.
Math Snacks Publications
Book Chapters and Journal Articles
Engledowl, C., Al-younes, M., Chamberlin, B. A., Stanford, T. B. (2021).Learning acquired from a computer game-based early algebra intervention. School Science and Mathematics, 121, 495–508.
Cezarotto, M. (2021). Recommendations for designing games for players with dyscalculia. Estudos Em Design 29(3). DOI:"
Cezarotto, M., Chamberlin, B. (2021). Towards accessibility in educational games: a framework for the design team. Brazilian Journal of Information Design 18(3): 102-113.
Aguirre, V., Morales, S., Trujillo, K., Wiburg, K. (2019) In Schrier, K. (Ed.) Learning, education & games (Volume 3): 100 games to use in the classroom & beyond. ETC Press.
Torres Castillo, R. & Morales, S. (2019). Chapter 3, A protocol for reviewing off-the-shelf games to inform the development of new educational games. In K. Blashki & P. Isaías (Eds.) Handbook of research on human computer interfaces and new modes of interactivity. IGI Global. 10.4018/978-1-5225-9069-9.ch003.
Chamberlin, B. A., Trespalacios, J., Garza, M. C., Muise, A. S. (2016). User testing in the Learning Games Lab: Successful strategies for gaining access to testers and getting valuable feedback. In M. A. Garcia-Ruiz (Ed.), Games user research: A case study approach (pp. 55–-76). CRC Press.
Wiburg, K., Trujillo, K., Chamberlin, B., Stanford, T. & Julia Lynn Parra (2016). Transforming mathematics teaching through games inquiry. In Information Resources Management Association (Eds.), K-12 STEM education: Breakthroughs in research and practice. (pp 279–-304). IGI Global.
Wiburg, K., Chamberlin, B., Valdez, A., Trujillo, K., & Stanford, T. (2016). Impact of Math Snacks games on students’ conceptual understanding, Journal of Computers in Mathematics and Science Teaching, 35(2), 173–193.
Trujillo, K., Chamberlin, B., Wiburg, K., & Armstrong, A. (2016) Measurement in learning games evolution: Review of methodologies used in determining effectiveness of Math Snacks games and animations. Technology, Knowledge and Learning, 21, 155–174.
Wiburg, K., Parra, J., Mucundanyi, G., Torres, R. C. & Joann Latorre (2016). Moving toward constructivist instructional design with practice perspectives for digital game design. SAGE Journals-Review of Educational Research (RER).
Wiburg, K. (2015). A promising game-based intervention for successful mathematics learning for all students. In D. Slykhuis & G. Marks (Eds.) Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference 2015 (pp. 75–78). Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).
Chamberlin, B., Trespalacios, J. H., & Gallagher, R. (2014). Bridging research and game development: A Learning Games Design Model for multi-game projects. In M. Khosrow-Pour (Ed.), Educational technology use and design for improved learning opportunities (pp. 151–171). IGI Global.
Trespalacios, J. H., Trujillo, K., & Uribe-Flórez, L. (2014). Integrating educational animations to support common Core State Standards in mathematics classrooms. In D. Polly (Ed.), Cases on technology and Common Core Mathematics Standards. IGI Global.
Trujillo, K., Wiburg, K., Savic, M., & McKee, K. (2013). Teachers learn how to effectively integrate mobile technology by teaching students using Math Snacks animations and games. In J. Keengwe (Ed.), Pedagogical applications and social effects of mobile technology integration (pp. 98¬–113). IGI Global.
Uribe-Flórez, L. J. & Trespalacios, J. H. (2013). The role of animations and manipulatives in supporting learning and communication in mathematics classrooms. In Y. Baek & N. Whitton (Eds.), Cases on digital game-based learning: Methods, models, and strategies (pp. 400¬¬–410). IGI Global.
Valdez, A., Trujillo, K., & Wiburg, K. (2013). Math Snacks: Using animations and games to fill the gaps in mathematics. Journal of Curriculum and Teaching, 2(2),154. doi: 10.5430/jct.v2n2p154
Chamberlin, B., Trespalacios, J., & Gallagher, R. (2012). The Learning Games Design Model: immersion, collaboration, and outcomes-driven development. International Journal of Game-Based Learning (IJGBL), 2(3), 87–110. doi: 10.4018/ijgbl.2012070106
Trespalacios, J. H., & Chamberlin, B. (2012). 21st Century learning: The role of serious games. In M. M. Cruz-Cunha (Ed.), Handbook of research on serious games as educational, business and research tools (pp. 782–799). IGI Global.
Trespalacios, J., & Chamberlin, B. (2012). Pearl Diver: Identifying numbers on a number line. Teaching Children's Mathematics, 18, 446–447.
Trespalacios, J., Chamberlin, B., & Gallagher, R. R. (2011). Collaboration, engagement & fun: How youth preferences in video gaming can inform 21st Century education. TechTrends, 55(6), 49–54. doi: 10.1007/s11528-011-0541-5
Kinzer, C., Wiburg, K., & Virag, L. (2010). University public school research partnerships in mathematics. Border Walking Journal, 8(1), 61–69.
Conference Papers and Presentations
Alzaid, A., Engledowl, C. (2021). Benefits and challenges of game-embedded telemetry data to examine student learning. Paper presented at the 2021 Annual Meeting of the Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education (SITE). Presentation video available at
Chamberlin, B.A., Levy, A., Stidwell, P., Kaplowitz, M. (2020, July 14-16). Simple accessibility practices to expand games’ reach [Panel]. Games for Change, Online.
Chamberlin, B. A., Engledowl, C., Torres, R. C., (2020, April 23) Math Snacks games: Supporting play while they are away [Conference presentation]. 21st Century Math Learning UnConference, MidSchoolMath, Online.
Engledowl, C. (2020, March 5–7). Constructing and validating an early algebra assessment. In J. Cribbs and H. Marchionda (Eds.), Proceedings for the Annual Meeting of the Research Council on Mathematics Learning (pp. 51–58). Las Vegas, NV.
Engledowl, C. (2020, March 5–7). Constructing and validating an early algebra assessment [Conference presentation]. 2020 Annual Conference of the Research Council on Mathematics Learning. Las Vegas, Nevada.
Muise. A.S. & Chamberlin, B. (2020, January 9). Supporting accessibility for developers of educational media. Ed Games Expo 2020: Showcase on Innovation in Special Education “big ideas” talk, Washington, D.C., United States.
Muise, A.S. (2020, January 9). Curse Reverse & Outbreak Squad. Ed Games Expo 2020. Washington D.C., United States.
Morales, S & Torres, R. C. (2020 March) Curse Reverse from Math Snacks: Unlocking doors with expressions and equations. MidSchoolMath, Santa Fe, NM, United States.
Morales, S. (2019). Keynote speech. New York Institute of Technology SpeedTech Conference. Long Island, NY. (April 25, 2019)
Morales, S. & Stanford, T. (2019). Math Snack: Ratio Rumble and Math Snacks Early Algebra [Learning Lounge]. Inspire 2019: A Celebration of New Mexico’s Educators. Albuquerque, NM.
Chamberlin, B. & Muchundanyi, G. (2019). Math Snacks Early Algebra: Showcase of new products [Conference presentation]. MidSchoolMath National Conference. Santa Fe, NM.
Morales, S., Trujillo, K., Mucundanyi, G. & Torres, R. C. (2019). Math Snacks Early Algebra: Successes and challenges of a research design for computer-based games in mathematics classrooms [Conference presentation]. Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education Conference. Las Vegas, NV.
Stanford, T. & Torres, R. C. (2019). Math Snacks: Learning expressions with creativity through Agrinautica [Conference presentation]. MidSchoolMath National Conference. Santa Fe, NM.
Torres, R.C. (2019). Teachers’ attitudes & behaviors about computer-based games as learning tools in mathematics classrooms [Conference presentation]. Society for Information Technology &Teacher Education Conference. Las Vegas, NV.
Morales, S. & Torres, R.C. (2019, November 11–15). Math Snacks Early Algebra: Experiencing computer-based games for mathematics learning [Conference presentation]. Research and Creativity Week of New Mexico State University (NMSU), Las Cruces, NM.
Morales, S. (2019, November 2). Math Snacks: Engaging students through computer-based games [Conference presentation]. Fall Into Place Conference of The New Mexico Out-of-School Time Network (NMOST). Albuquerque, NM, United States.
Chamberlin, B., Martinez, P., (2018, October 7–11). Apps, games and online tools for 4-H programs [Conference presentation]. National Association of Extension 4-H Agents. Columbus, OH.
Chamberlin, B., Gagnon, D., Hone, B., Sharp, J., (2018, July 12). Games labs at universities [Conference presentation]. Serious Play Conference. Manasses, VA.
Snow, B., Chamberlin, B., Feeley, C., Gagnon, D., Roy, D. (2018, August 2). Ghost stories from learning-game design [Conference presentation]. Connected Learning Summit and Proceedings. Boston, MA.
Morales, S. & Torres, R. C. (2018, October 12). Math Snacks Early Algebra: Using constructivist video games to learn about variables, expressions, and patterns [Conference presentation]. Next Steps for STEM Learning and Leadership Conference. Colorado Springs, CO.
Trujillo, K & Aguirre-Holguin, V. (2018, March 3). Math Snacks: Prototypes for new early algebra games [Conference presentation]. MidschoolMath National Conference 2018. Santa Fe, NM.
Chamberlin, B. A. & Schell, J. (2018). The secret process for creating games that matter [Conference presentation]. Connected Learning Summit. Boston, MA.
Trujillo, K., Chamberlin, B. A., Stanford, T. & Aguirre V. H. (2018). Math Snacks: Early Algebra [Arcade]. NSF 2018 PI Meeting. Washington, DC.
Trujillo, K., Chamberlin, B. A., Stanford, T. & Aguirre-Holguin V. (2018). Math Snacks: Early Algebra [Poster]. NSF 2018 PI Meeting. Washington, DC.
Chamberlin, B. A. (2017). Actually, realistically, and meaningfully using games in the classroom [Conference presentation]. New Mexico Society for Technology in Education (NMSTE) Chapter Meeting. Las Cruces, NM.
Chamberlin, B. A. (2017). Actually, realistically, and meaningfully using games in the classroom [Conference presentation]. Michigan Association for Computer Users in Learning (MACUL) 2017 Conference. Detroit, Michigan.
Chamberlin, B. A. (2017). Classroom tools from the learning games lab [Conference presentation]. Michigan Association for Computer Users in Learning (MACUL) 2017 Conference. Detroit, Michigan.
Chamberlin, B. A. (2017). It's OK to play: Shaping our mindsets about technology [Guest speaker presentation]. Facebook. Menlo Park, CA.
Chamberlin, B. A. (2017). It's OK to play: Using games in the classrooms [Conference presentation]. Michigan Association for Computer Users in Learning (MACUL) 2017 Conference. Detroit, Michigan.
Chamberlin, B. A., Stanford, T. B., & Gomez, C. (2017, March 4). Math Snacks: Integrating online games into your classroom [Conference presentation]. MidSchool Math Conference. Santa Fe, NM.
Chamberlin, B. A. (2017). Actually, realistically, and meaningfully using games in the classroom [Conference presentation]. New Mexico Society for Technology in Education (NMSTE) Chapter Meeting. Las Cruces, NM.
Chamberlin, B. A. (2017). Actually, realistically, and meaningfully using games in the classroom [Conference presentation]. Michigan Association for Computer Users in Learning (MACUL) 2017 Conference. Detroit, Michigan.
Chamberlin, B. A. (2017). Classroom tools from the learning games lab [Conference presentation]. Michigan Association for Computer Users in Learning (MACUL) 2017 Conference. Detroit, Michigan.
Chamberlin, B. A. & Buckleitner, W. (2016). Development of media for young children: Learning theorists and media development [Conference presentation]. App Camp, Monterey, CA.
Chamberlin, B. A. (2016, February 29). Gaming to learn [Conference presentation]. Educators Rising New Mexico. Las Cruces, NM.
Chamberlin, B. A. (2016). Getting good feedback from brilliant reviewers [Conference presentation]. Dust or Magic Design Institute for Children's Media.
Torres, R. C., Gomez, C., Wiburg, K., Ozer, M., Chamberlin, B. A. & Toups, Z. (2016). Initial design implications for early algebra games [Conference presentation]. Computer Human Interaction in Play.
Wiburg, K., Chamberlin, B. A. (2016). Math Snacks [Arcade]. DRK12 NSF PI Meeting, CADRE.
Wiburg, K., Chamberlin, B. A. (2016). Math Snacks [Poster]. DRK12 NSF PI Meeting, CADRE.
Chamberlin, B. A. (2016). Moving beyond "I have an idea for an app" [Conference presentation]. National eXtension Conference.
Chamberlin, B., Asbell-Clarke, J., Riconscente, M., & Levy, A. (2016, August 18). The assessment game — Moving beyond traditional measures [Conference presentation]. Games • Learning • Society Conference.
Chamberlin, B. A. (2016). Translating research into product at the NMSU Learning Games Lab [Conference presentation]. Visit with Secretary Ramiswami, USDA.
Wiburg, K. & Chamberlin, B. A. (2014, August 5). Gaming/virtual worlds [Arcade]. NSF DRK12 PI Meeting, National Science Foundation, Washington, DC.
Chamberlin, B. A., Reischman, F., & Bardar, E. (2014, August 5). Meaningful support for teachers: Specific ways to encourage game-based learning in the classroom [Conference presentation]. NSF DRK12 PI Meeting, National Science Foundation, Washington, DC.
Wiburg, K. & Chamberlin, B. A. (2014, August 5). The design and findings of a random-controlled trial for a successful game-based mathematics intervention [Conference presentation]. NSF DRK12 PI Meeting, National Science Foundation, Washington, DC.
Chamberlin, B. A. (2014, July 9). How to design for how people learn [Conference presentation]. Extension Annual Conference, Washington State University, Spokane, WA.
Chamberlin, B. A. (2014, July 22). It's OK to play: How technology can be an important part of child development [Conference presentation]. EdNet Webinars, AWE,
Chamberlin, B. A. (2014). Learning theory in app design [Conference presentation]. App Camp. Children’s Technology Review. Marshall, CA.
Chamberlin, B. A. (2014). Math Snacks findings and teacher resources [Conference presentation]. App Camp. Children’s Technology Review. Marshall, CA.
Chamberlin, B. A. (2014). Research-based design in children's media [Panel]. Fred Forward. Pittsburgh, PA.
Chamberlin, B. A. (2014, July 8). You're pushing my buttons: What apps, games and social media mean to Extension [Conference presentation]. Extension Annual Conference, Washington State University, Spokane, Washington.
Chamberlin, B. A., Levy, A. & Stidwill, P. (2014). Learning to play: How to shape a good game [Conference presentation]. Sandbox Summit. Boston, MA.
Chamberlin, B. A., Muise, A. S. (2014, July 24). User testing made easier [Conference presentation]. Casual Connect, Casual Games Association, San Francisco, CA.
Trujillo, K. & Johnson, S. (2014). Rates, ratios, and Ratey the Math Cat [Conference presentation]. National MidSchoolMath Conference. Santa, Fe, NM.
Wiburg, K. (2014). Math Snacks: Filling conceptual gaps in mathematics with innovative media [Conference presentation]. Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference. Jacksonville, FL.
Buckleitner, W. & Chamberlin, B. A. (2013, November 3). Learning theory for software designers [Conference presentation]. Dust or Magic Institute for Development of Media for Children, Children's Technology Review, Lambertville, NJ.
Chamberlin, B. A. (2013, September 3). Careers in digital media [Conference presentation]. Colombia 3.0, International Game Developers Association, Bogotá, Colombia.
Chamberlin, B. A. (2013, September 5). How our games can change the world [Conference presentation]. Colombia 3.0, International Game Developers Association, Bogotá, Colombia.
Chamberlin, B. A. (2013, May 20). Learning theory in app design [Conference presentation]. Dust or Magic AppCamp, Children's Technology Review, Asilomar, California.
Chamberlin, B. A. (2013, September 5). Successful strategies for user testing: lessons learned in NMSU's Learning Games Lab [Conference presentation]. Colombia 3.0, International Game Developers Association, Bogotá, Colombia.
Chamberlin, B. A. (2013, April 3). You're pushing my buttons: How technology is changing the way our clients think, eat and play [Conference presentation]. Healthy Living Conference, Iowa Extension, Burlington, Iowa.
Chamberlin, B. A. (2013, May 15). You're pushing my buttons: How technology is changing the way our clients think and learn [Conference presentation]. Personal Finance Educators Conference, Maryland Extension, Annapolis, Maryland.
Chamberlin, B. A. (2013, February 28). You're pushing my buttons: How technology is changing the way our clients Think, work and learn [Conference presentation]. Western Extension Leadership Directors National Meeting, Cooperative Extension Service, San Diego, CA.
Chamberlin, B. A., Levy, A. & Stidwill, P. (2013, June 18). Getting your game into the classroom: 3 things serious game makers can do [Conference presentation]. Games for Change Festival, Games for Change Organization, New York, NY.
Trujillo, K. (2013). Math Snacks: Teaching the math practices using animations and games [Conference presentation]. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Regional Conference. Las Vegas, NV.
Trujillo, K. M. & Valdez, F. (2013). How Math Snacks and teacher practice impact student understanding of ratio and number line concepts [Conference presentation]. American Education Research Association. San Francisco, CA.
Trujillo, K., and Aguirre, V. (2013). Math Snacks: Animations and video games teaching middle school math [Conference presentation]. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics National Conference. Denver, Co.
Trujillo, K., McKee, K., Burns, A. (2013). Math Snacks: How animations and games can lead to conceptual understanding of middle school math [Conference presentation]. Jacksonville, Fla.
Wiburg, K. and Trujillo, K. (2013). Do Math Snacks lessons increase students’ content knowledge? Yes [Conference presentation]. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. Denver, Co.
Chamberlin, B. A. (2012, May 20). Grand challenges of app design: Math, communication and exploration [Conference presentation]. Dust or Magic App Camp, Children's Technology Review, Asilomar, California.
Chamberlin, B. A. (2012, November 7). How to make games, media tools and interactives that don't stink [Conference presentation]. Forum, Colorado Extension Service, Ft. Collins, Colorado.
Chamberlin, B. A. (2012, January 12). New technology tools: Communication and education [Conference presentation]. NMSU Extension In-service, NMSU Cooperative Extension Service, Albuquerque, NM.
Chamberlin, B. A. (2012, February 4). You're pushing my buttons: How games, apps and mobile technologies are changing the ways we think and learn [Conference presentation]. NM SIGGRAPH, Las Cruces, NM.
Chamberlin, B. A. (2012, August 9). You're pushing my buttons: How games, mobile devices and apps are changing the ways we think and learn [Conference presentation]. Arkansas 4-H Agents In-service Training, Arkansas State 4-H, Little Rock, AR.
Chamberlin, B. A. (2012, March 10). You're pushing my buttons: How games, mobile devices and apps are changing the ways we think and learn [Conference presentation]. New Mexico Family and Consumer Science Association, Las Cruces.
Chamberlin, B. A. (2012, December 11). You're pushing my buttons: How technology is changing the way our clients think, work and learn [Conference presentation]. Annual Meeting, National Association of Extension Program and Staff Professionals, Denver, Colorado.
Chamberlin, B. A. (2012, October 17). You're pushing my buttons: How technology is changing the ways our clientele think, work and learn [Conference presentation]. Delaware Extension Program Conference, University of Delaware, Delaware State University, Dover, Delaware.
Chamberlin, B. A. (2012, June 25). You're pushing my buttons: How technology is changing the way we teach and learn [Conference presentation]. Middle School Math Science Conference, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX.
Chamberlin, B. A. (2012, October 9). You're pushing my buttons: How technology is changing the ways our clientele think, work and learn [Conference presentation]. Minnesota Extension Program Conference, Minnesota Cooperative Extension Service, Minneapolis, MN.
Chamberlin, B. A. (2012, March 14). You're pushing my buttons: How technology is changing thought, work and play [Conference presentation]. National Extension Directors' Meeting, Ft. Lauderdale, FL.
Chamberlin, B.A., Gleason, J. B., & McVann, J., (2012). Educational media: When you need a game, a website, an app or a video, and how to know when you need all of the above [Conference presentation]. Association for Communications Excellence International Conference. Annapolis, MD.
Gleason, J. B. & Chamberlin, B. A. (2012). Games, simulations and interactives: Strategies for designing eXtension learning tools [Conference presentation]. eXtension 2012 National Conference, Oklahoma City, OK.
Savic, M. (2012). Math Snacks in the middle school classroom [Conference presentation]. Middle School Math and Science Conference. Lubbock, TX.
Trespalacios, J. (2012). Educational video game design to promote learning and innovation skills: Instructional ideas for educators [Conference presentation]. Paper presented at the Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference 2012, Austin, Texas, USA.
Trujillo, K. & Aguirre, V. (2012). Math Snacks - How animations, activities and assessments meet the Common Core [Conference presentation]. New Mexico Math and Science Conference. Albuquerque, NM.
Trujillo, K., McKee, K., Trespalacios, J. H. & Aguirre, V. (2012). Learning about the coordinate plane through game based learning: A case study on Math Snacks Summer Camp 2012 [Conference presentation]. Rocky Mountain Education Research Association Annual Conference. Las Cruces, NM.
Chamberlin, B. A. (2011, August 26). Game-based learning with the iPad [Conference presentation]. College of Education iPad Training, New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, NM.
Chamberlin, B. A. (2011, October 3). Helping developers create quality media [Conference presentation]. Roundtable on Quality Media, Fred Rogers Center, PBS, Arlington, Virginia.
Chamberlin, B. A. (2011, December 5). Math Snacks – Meeting new science objectives through gaming [Conference presentation]. National Science Foundation PI Meeting, Washington, DC.
Chamberlin, B. A. (2011, April). New technologies for new audiences: Twitter, Facebook and other social media in our programs [Conference presentation]. Family Resilience Conference, DoD/USDA, Chicago, IL.
Chamberlin, B. A. (2011, September 30). Pushing my buttons: How the iPhone, Facebook, Wii, and other technologies are changing the ways kids think, work, and succeed [Conference presentation]. NEAFCS Annual Session, National Extension Association of Family & Consumer Science, Albuquerque, NM.
Chamberlin, B. A. & Garza, M. (2011, April). The computer in your hand: Do you need a smartphone, iPad, mobile device, or game system? [Conference presentation]. Family Resiliency Conference, DoD/USDA, Chicago, IL.
Chamberlin, B. A. & Gleason, J. B. (2011, June 29). How to create media that doesn't stink: Our secrets for reaching eXtension clientele with games, web and video [Conference presentation]. eXtension Community of Practice Meetings, Louisville, Kentucky.
Chamberlin, B. A. & Gleason, J. B. (2011, June 12). Their computers are in their pockets: How games, smart phones, and mobile devices are changing the way our clientele learn [Conference presentation]. Association for Communications Excellence Conference, Denver, Colorado.
Chamberlin, B. A. & Gleason, J. B. (2011, June 12).User Testing — Easy strategies for making stuff that doesn't stink [Conference presentation]. Association for Communications Excellence Conference, Denver, Colorado.
Trujillo, K. M. & Savic, M. (2011). Math Snacks: How animations and games can be used in middle school mathematics [Conference presentation]. Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education, Austin, TX.
Trujillo, K. M. & Savic, M. (2011). Math Snacks: How animations and games can be used in middle school mathematics. Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education, Austin, TX.
Trujillo, K. M. & Savic, M. (2011, November). Math Snacks: Use animations and games to teach middle school mathematics tomorrow. NCTM Regional Conference, Albuquerque, NM.
Trujillo, K. M., Savic M. & Stanford, T. (2011, June). Math Snacks: How animations and games can be used to teach middle school mathematics. ISTE Model Lesson, Philadelphia, PA.
Chamberlin, B. A. (2010, December 2). Gaming to Learn [Panel]. K-12 Discovery PI Meeting, National Science Foundation, Washington, DC.
Chamberlin, B. A. (2010, December 2). Multimedia Design Process: Making the bad stuff good [Conference presentation]. K-12 Discovery PI Meeting, National Science Foundation, Washington, DC.
Savic, M., Wiburg, K., Trujillo, K., & Stanford, T. (2010, January 6–10). Math Snacks: Using innovative media to address conceptual gaps in mathematical understanding [Conference presentation]. Hawaii International Conference on Education. Honolulu, HI.
Cezarotto, M.A. (2019) Detailed Game Design Recommendations to Foster and Sustain the Motivation of Children with Dyscalculia in Educational Digital Games (Doctoral dissertation). Federal University of Paraná, Brazil.